INFINITE - Slow jigging lure 200 grams - Blue silver

$14.51 CAD

INFINITE is a SLOW JIG designed for fast-paced animation. It features a long and erratic gliding action, making retrieval easy. It allows for faster retrievals and can also be used as a SPEED JIG. Its unique design caters to the needs of both novice and experienced anglers. It particularly targets high-speed hunting species such as tuna, amberjack, wahoo, bonito, and trevally, enabling you to work throughout the water column.

Length: 17 cm
Weigth: 200 grams
Type: Back Sliding

Peche SUD - INFINITE slow pitch jig

Slow jigging hooks chart size - Peche SUD

slow jigs INFINITE- Peche SUD

Slow jigging lure INFINITE - Peche SUD

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  • Model: PS-A200-BS (CHINA)
  • Manufactured by: Peche SUD

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Pêche à Cuba - Fishing in Cuba