GOLIATH - Slow jigging lure 350 grams - Pink Glow

$18.46 CAD

The Goliath, a slow pitch jigging lure designed for deep water. Some fishes live near the abyss (500-1200 feet) to reach these depths, we need heavy jigs to reach quickly the bottom. The "Goliate" jig measures only 16cm, which makes it quite compact in relation to its weight. It has a symmetrical shape will create slow oscillation and long slide. The "Irregular" movement of this jig will cause captures at all levels of the water column. Target fish such as groupers, snappers, amberjack

Length: 16 cm
Type: Irregular

Peche sud - Goliath jig characteristic

Slow jigging hooks chart size - Peche SUD

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  • Manufactured by: Peche SUD

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Pêche à Cuba - Fishing in Cuba